Firm History and Background

NIXON & LIGHT | Attorneys at Law

320 Executive Court, Suite 304 | Little Rock, Arkansas 72205

Phone: (501) 376-3600 | Fax: (501) 225-6370

Nixon & Light is a law firm specializing in the representation of creditors in all courts in Arkansas, with a focus in commercial litigation, bankruptcy, replevins and collections.  Nixon & Light was formed in 2000 by attorneys W. Robert Nixon, Jr. and Louis “Whit” Light.  Together they have over fifty years of collective commercial practice experience.  Nixon & Light added associate attorney, John B. Buzbee, in March of 2008.  The firm is staffed with experienced and long-term employees at the paralegal and legal assistant positions.

The firm’s practice areas include:


          & LIGHT



Sample of Representative Clients

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